
Privacy Policy

T.Vakıflar Bankası T.A.O. (“VakıfBank”), provides access to its clients via the address by giving priority to a modern and innovative banking approach, customer satisfaction and security.

Our bank has adopted the following rules in pursuant to the protection of the privacy of the information that our clients provide us with. When you visit our bank’s website and make use of the services we provide through it, how we use and protect the information we obtain concerning you and the services you request is subject to this “Privacy Policy” herein.

Our bank takes the necessary security precautions on its information systems in order to prohibit unauthorized access to the information obtained from our clients for the services provided over our website. Information is solely input over our bank’s website in order to apply for products and services and our bank takes the necessary security precautions on its information systems in order to prohibit the viewing or editing of this information by other internet users.

The information input into our website is only used to fulfill the services requested by the client. Unauthorized access to the information the client shares over our website is restricted, including to our bank personnel.

Our bank guarantees that it will not reveal any information of the client to any third parties unless in the form of a formal request from legal authorities.

Our website gives links to certain other websites. The guarantees given in this Privacy Policy only encompass our website and is not valid for other websites. When a link is followed from our website, the privacy guarantee and terms of use of that respective website applies.

T.Vakıflar Bankası T.A.O. (“VakıfBank”) cannot be held responsible for any financial/emotional damages and losses arising from the use of information, ethical standards, privacy policies, quality or service of quality of other websites that are followed via an ad, banner, content or any other means over our website.  

The necessary precautions for our bank’s systems and internet infrastructure security for the information input into our website have been taken. 

All the records of the activities our clients engage in over our website are stored pursuant to our bank’s Privacy Policy. 

All of our clients who use our bank’s website are presumed to have agreed to the terms stated above.