
How many branches do you have in Iraq?

As VakıfBank, we operate only with our Erbil Branch in Iraq.

Can I make transactions in VakıfBank branches abroad for my account in the Erbil Branch?

You can only make transactions in the Iraqi branch with your account at the VakıfBank Erbil Branch. You cannot make transactions via our branches abroad.

Can I access the information of an account I have in one of your branches in Turkey from the VakıfBank Erbil Branch?

Unfortunately, we are not able to access the information of your accounts in the branches in Turkey. In order to access information regarding your accounts in our branches in Turkey, you can visit or call our telephone banking line in Turkey at +90 850 222 0 724.

How can I communicate my complaints, suggestions and requests?

You can communicate your complaints, suggestions and requests by filling out the Customer Suggestion, Request and Complaint form at our branch, calling us at +964 66 224 6237 / +964 750 147 85 53 or the Suggestions, Requests and Complaints page on our website.

How many days will it take to finalize a complaint I issued via the branch or other channels?

The complaints you issue to our bank will be finalized in 5 business days at the latest, based on the day it reaches our bank and the result will be communicated to you through one of the communication channels you provided.

Can I make payments to the credit cards I use from banks in Turkey via your bank?

Because we do not have online access to our branches in Turkey, this can only be done as an international foreign currency transfer, subject to a transfer fee.