
Open a current account in IQD, USD or EUR currencies and access your savings as you wish. Make transfers and pay your bills, rent, etc.

Current Account

You can deposit and withdraw your savings whenever you wish with current accounts that you will open in our branch in Iraqi Dinar, USD and EUR currencies. Also, through our widespread branch network in Turkey, you can transfer your account balance in USD or EUR currency to the accounts you have in our branches in Turkey within the same business day, within the scope of local and international legal regulations.

Iraqi citizens need to provide the original copy of the following documents in order to open a personal current account.

  • Iraqi ID
  • Certificate of Iraqi citizenship
  • 2 photographs taken within the last six months
  • Certificate of residence
  • Iraqi Family Card
  • Iraqi Information Card
  • Passport if available

Non-Iraqi citizens need to provide the following documents in order to open a current account.

  • A valid passport
  • A valid residence permit (for at least 6 months)
  • Certificate of residence
  • 2 photographs taken within the last six months
  • Payroll 

The bank may request additional documents if it is necessary


You can make fast, easy and safe international money transfers via our bank. Your international money transfer requests will be evaluated based on local and international legal regulations and banking principles. Visit our branch for detailed information.